

影片裡的遊戲我在柏林徒步區看過,那種聽說多半是詐騙,莊家手法精湛,可以隨時取出杯子裡的豆豆,也可以隨時放進另一個杯子。這種遊戲的德文名稱是 "Hütchenspiel" [1],英文 "shell game" [2],歷史久遠,據說可以回溯到古希臘時代。[2] 的圖片是中世紀畫家 Hieronymus Bosch 的作品,呈現一個變戲法的人利用觀眾的專注,配合小扒手吸金!

貓很愛玩。但不隨便跟人玩。Moon Li 說,她的 Kido 是第一次玩,這我可以想像。身為掠食者的 Kido,必須擁有敏銳的視覺,特別是對移動現象的偵測能力,更是高人一等。影片中我最喜歡的是,Kido 的表情。Moon Li 的手法看起來熟練,不知道是不是老千級的。我深感好奇的是,當 Kido 碰到老千…

Kido's First Shell Game
published on 2013年01月07日 by Moon Li

I know all cats and dogs are smart. The main purpose of sharing this video is not to show how smart Kido is, but to share my joy of knowing that Kido was willing to play shell game with me and he got it right, regardless of how he did it. If you are a pet owner, you know how hard it is to get them to do something, especially on the first time (without previous training). So I am proud of him regardless what harsh comments you may provide.

About Kido
Kido was abandoned twice in the first 6 months of his life. When he was about to be listed on a shelter's kill-list, I met him and he has become the love of my life since then. I could never understand how people would abandon a sweet and fun kitty like Kido. It's their loss and I hope they will realize. I hope all homeless animals can find their forever loving home.

Kido's Facebook page

Cat plays guessing game
published on 2011年06月09日 by FzyBunSlpr

Related Articles

[a] 2013-09-11 貓與綠光雷射

[b] 2012-12-12 貓怕冷

[c] 2012-12-03 貓與圓周運動

External Links

[1] Hütchenspiel, Wikipedia

[2] Shell game, Wikipedia

"The Conjurer," painted by Hieronymus Bosch. The painting accurately displays a performer doing the cups and balls routine, which has been practiced since Egyptian times. The shell game does have some origins in this old trick. The real trick of this painting is the pickpocket who is working for the conjurer. The pickpocket is robbing the spectator who is bent over.

